Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa has made Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) allotting over150 plum sites using his discretion under G-category after he assumed office three years back. Over sixty among the beneficiaries are the politicians from his party BJP and rest are his relatives including his son, sisters, and their kin, and his friends and close aides.
Yet, he has no explanation for the BDA not allotting site to the common man for whose service the authority is established. A propertyless civilian could dream of owning a site in Bangalore, when S M Krishna was the chief minister as the BDA allotted some sixty thousand sites during his tenure between 1999 and 2004. While Krishna, with a dubious distinction of favouring journalists with G-category sites, is not above board, people at least remember him for hopes instilled in them.
The BDA has not even allotted a single site in the regular route ever since the BJP came to power in 2008. Yeddyurappa has the Bangalore urban development portfolio with him and he is the answerable.
Hearing a public interest litigation (PIL), the High Court has ruled the chief minister has no discretionary powers to goad BDA giving away sites under G-category. The beneficiaries of Yeddyurappa’s largess may have to forgo their gifts as the court has issued them notice in response to the petitioner’s plea to cancel the allotments.
Shame was that Yeddyurappa’s son and relatives had to surrender the sites after the land scams linking to the chief minister were unearthed last year. But, his family members still own those sites indirectly. The site B Y Raghavendra,Yeddyurappa's MP-son from Shimoga, surrendered has gone to former BJP state president Basavaraja Patil Sedam. Everyone knows Sedam is one of Yeddyurappa’s sidekicks and he is only guarding the son’s site being its name sake owner.
While the so-called BJP high command is still panting after receiving blow after blow in the form of Yeddyurappa’s corruption cases, the fresh blow comes from Mysore. MUDA (Mysore Urban Development Authority) has allotted 36 sites under G-category and ten of them have gone to the chief minister’s relatives.
The news was the headlines for the TV channels, on Sunday, and will be sumptuous fodder for the newspapers from Monday onwards.
Fresh bout of political circus is in the waiting with repetition of mud singling between the ruling and opposition parties which are the common scenes right from Yeddyurappa took charge as the CM.
When are we going to see an end to it?
I guess we are mixing the two separate issues here. One, the dubious G category allotments which every CM has indulged in and every incumbent seems to have tried to beat his predessor. Two, the regular allotments by BDA. On the second issue we need to understand if this government has made new BDA layouts and then did not allot or were there no new layouts at all. Or is there undue delay in creating new layouts. Or should we find if creation of new layouts is mired in land acquisition disputes?
hey shiv,
finally! good to see your blog. keep it coming.
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